Monday, August 31, 2015

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To meet the apk download for windows  requirements of economic and social development (Actually-future directions) Prof. Mahmoud Mohammed Abdullah kasnawi Islamic Education-College of education-Umm Al-Qura University Abstract: Need economic development projects, in this period, experiencing a significant shift in the degree of economic diversification and rapid growth to human capital leads development processes, economic and social progress cannot be achieved without providing specialized and qualified workforce that can carry out the planning and implementation of development programmes, namely that development sectors need engineers, technologists, technicians and administrators who have the required setup required education, training and experience in various areas of development, and the message of universities in present age A very important role in the lives of Nations and peoples with different stages of economic and social development, are no longer limited to the traditional goals of where the search for knowledge and do the teaching, but the message to include all aspects of life on scientific, technical and technological, which made it the most important duties of universities Contemporary is to interact with the community to discuss their needs and providing requirements, and that the most important requirement is a community access to high rankings in the creation of advanced technologies and technical and technological progress and social awareness, and not only do activate message universities in stimulating apk download for windows , and open channels of cooperation, coordination and communication between the University and the various development sectors, the research problem that some google play store apk  for graduate students at universities are traditional simulation without resorting to creativity and innovation and direct attention to development issues That led to the isolation of the universities on the perimeter of the economic and social development, as such research aims to: Highlighting ways to improve google play store in universities to meet the demands of development and clarify the obstacles to  play storein graduate studies, identify obstacles to productive and meaningful links woven between postgraduate research and development sectors, public and private, and highlight ways to get rid of obstacles to google play store  in graduate studies for development, and identify ways of linking postgraduate research in universities to development requirements, and propose strategies for how to coordinate among graduate departments in universities and development sectors Different.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

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